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Legal use of MYP images

Legal use of MYP images

The use of MYP`s images over the internet

You are hereby authorized to use MYP images on your personal website, provided you comply with the following guidelines:
All use of "MYP" images must carry appropriate copyright and other intellectual property information acknowledging that the copyrights to all images are owned by "MYP". In addition any trademarks contained or associated with the image must be retained. Further no license is granted in respect of any property rights.

The images of "MYP", which you obtain from any source, are licensed to you by Mark Yates for the limited purpose of displaying them on your personal website. This does not mean that title to the image was transferred to you. You own the medium on which the images are recorded, but MYP retains full and complete title to the images, and any intellectual property rights therein. You may not redistribute, reproduce, make derivative works, perform or otherwise use the images except as part of your own personal website. Images may not be sold or used in any way, including but not limited to, the selling of products, or in connection with the promotion of any type of affiliation program wherein commissions are earned for producing links to a commercial enterprise. Furthermore, no use of any image may infringe upon the rights of an existing or potential commercial opportunity for the MYP group of companies or its licensees.

"MYP" images may only be used as part of an "MYP or Mark Yates" page or to point to that page, and may not be used in a way that is unrelated to "MYP".

"MYP" images may only be used to promote the official "MYP " website (www.myp.20m.com). Nothing can be used to imply a website other than www.myp.20m.com is an official website or that it is endorsed in any way by "MYP and Mark Yates".

All images must fairly represent the original work and be used in their entirety without tampering, additions, cropping or other manipulation that would affect the integrity of the image and the work of "Mark Yates".

All sites displaying "MYP " images must provide a link to or the address of the official "MYP" website (www.myp.20m.com).

"MYP and Mark Yates" reserves the right to require changes to your use, layout, design, quality and other elements pertaining to any "MYP" image and associated use on a website. These changes may require the removal of any and/all of "MYP" images or reference thereto at the sole discretion of "MYP and Mark Yates". Any request will be completed in full without delay and performed without prejudice."MYP and Mark Yates" reserves the right to make future changes to these guidelines. By using any "MYP" image you thereby consent to these guidelines and any future changes. The term "MYP" means the artist Mark Yates, the trademark MYP. For further information contact MYP or Mark Yates at www.myp.20m.com


